Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (Paperback)

Customer Review
I'd give this book a 10-star rating if I could.

I've read many self-help, motivational books over 20 years time and all have help in some small way. However, this book has helped me in a MONUMENTAL way.

The book is an amazingly comprehensive explanation on how our attitudes and thoughts shape our lives, and how to approach all of life's situations so that you are prospered. The book explains that the word "rich" means having an "abundance of good" or living a fuller, more satisfying life, and that you are prospersous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, happiness and plenty in your world. So as well as becoming financially independent and secure, all areas of your life prosper, such as relationships, health, ect., and really, that's what everyone wants, even if they don't realize it.

Another section of the book says that if you persist in expecting and talking about prosperity and success, there is no power in heaven or earth that can prevent them from appearing in your world. What a powerful, true statement.

Catherine Ponder states: Desire is God tapping at the door of your mind, trying to give you greater good. She explains that it is NORMAL to want to prosper! This made a huge difference to my way of thinking.

I bought this book in the summer ..., read it once, immediately re-read it and highlighted passages, and am now in the third reading in the spring ... and am writing out affirmations and practicing what the book suggests. My life wasn't even in bad shape when I picked up the book, and yet I felt something missing. As I apply the principles of this book to my life, layers and layers of sadness and a certain depression I didn't even realize I had are dissolving.

The "dynamic laws of prosperity" are words I've been searching for all my life, and I am thankful, greatful, and appreciative to have finally found them.
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